Understanding Big Game Lottery and Point System | United Country Real Estate
By United Country Real EstateJanuary 29, 2024

The use of a draw system for hunting, often called a lottery or point system, varies from state to state.
Understanding Big
Game Lottery and Point System
Many states use this system for allocating limited
hunting permits for certain species or areas to ensure sustainable management
and to control the number of hunters. Big game tags in each state follow the
law of supply and demand and often states with large populations of whitetail
deer or other game will have no limitations on the number of tags sold.
For those states with a limited population of
animals that can be harvested, there are three general systems for obtaining a
hunting tag: pure lotteries, bonus point systems and preference point systems.
Lottery System
States that utilize a true lottery system offer hunting tags based
on a random drawing. As long as your application has been entered during the
assigned period, is correct, and is valid, you will be entered into the
lottery. The odds of drawing a tag are the same for all applicants.
Bonus Point System
Bonus points can help in increasing a hunter’s probability of
receiving a low draw number which results in better odds of drawing a tag, but,
unlike a preference point, they do not provide any guarantee of drawing a tag
after so many points are accumulated. Most often hunters can purchase a bonus
point or automatically receive a bonus point for an unsuccessful big game tag
Preference Point System
Preference points work in a similar way to bonus points, where you
receive a point for each year you have not drawn a tag with the main difference
being tag allocation. Tags are awarded based on the collected points and are
guaranteed to those hunters who have accumulated the most points. Once you
reach a certain number of points, you will successfully draw a tag. Allocation
starts with the highest number of points and works down from there.
If you are planning a big game hunt in a lottery or
point system state, you have to prepare a few years in advance, especially if
you are hunting out-of-state. It is vital to understand all the laws and
regulations when it comes to hunting in your area or in a brand-new space. That’s
why having a lifestyle
real estate expert in your corner is important to the hunting or
recreational property search. To understand more about big game lottery and
point systems, read
the full article on our dedicated hunting property website. Call us
today to start your journey to finding your dream hunting property!